9789814634342 | 9789814634342


Lion City Adventures : Lion City Adventures

ISBN 9789814634342

Book E-Book

Don Bosco


This book for young ones aged from 8 to 11 makes learning fun. Using the concept of explorers out on an adventure, readers get to explore the places while learning new things and solving a series of challenges along the way. 

Each destination includes a location map, an introduction to the history of the place as well as fun facts about the people, neighbourhood, food, events and legends.  

As an activity book, readers can discover fun puzzles, learn new words and take part in solve the mystery challenges. There are also directions and prompts to introduce them to keeping a journal and doing simple sketches.

Don Bosco
DON BOSCO is an award-winning writer and publisher. His own stories are inspired by Asian legends and pop culture. He started the publishing studio Super Cool Books in 2011. Two of his series Sherlock Hong and Lion City Adventures were co-published with Marshall Cavendish for international distribution. He is a local co-organiser for StoryCode Singapore, which promotes transmedia storytelling across multiple platforms. He maintains an influential blog, and has also been a featured speaker at content creation events. He used to write magazine features, TV scripts and film treatments.


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