Our Custom Services
We provide end-to-end creative solutions for our partners, from the first sketch of an idea to delivery of the final product.

Concept Development
We will work with you from the outset to grow the first seed of your idea. This starts with strategy briefings and brainstorming sessions, which lead to the setting of a framework for the content, including the desired messaging, themes, tone,
contents structure and
graphic design templates.

Content Creation
As an international publisher, we are proud to work with a vast pool of creative partners – from bestselling authors to award-winning chefs; to photographers, illustrators, and more. Depending on the concept and requirements of your project, we can call upon this range of talent to help us create the highest-quality content perfectly tailored to your needs.

Editing, Design and Layout
It goes without saying that our skilled in-house editorial and design staff will be on hand to meticulously prepare your content for publication. Our collaborative workflow invites you to be involved at every step of the way, including manuscript review, the graphic design process and proof-correction.

Whatever the desired nature of the final product – printed books, ebooks and apps, or an array of other possibilities – we will recommend the best specifications to present your content in the highest quality.

Commercial Outreach
In some cases, your content might be so exciting to us that we could market, sell and license your book around the world. We can also arrange spin-off events, such as cooking demos, heritage talks, business seminars and school appearances.

Dedicated Project Direction
A dedicated project director will oversee the efficient delivery of all of our services, ensuring you will have a highly knowledgeable and consultative point of contact to lead your project from beginning to end.