Mr Roll Finds New Life (Paperback)
ISBN 9789815044898
Come along with Mr Roll as he discovers that there is so much more that he can be.
WINNER of the "Best Children's Picture Book" category at the Singapore Book Awards 2022.
Mr Roll is a regular toilet paper tube. He is hardworking and does his job well. But when the paper runs out, he is tossed aside and labelled as trash… Is this the end for Mr Roll?
Come along with Mr Roll as he discovers that there is so much more that he can be.
Interactive learning and fun activities at your fingertips!
Young readers can now access FREE bonus material including story-telling sessions, crafts lessons, video tutorials and more via the Ring Ring Story app! All they have to do is scan the QR code on the book cover!
Evelyn Ghozalli has illustrated more than 80 children’s stories and written several under the pseudonym EorG, and has won several awards, including the Samsung KidsTime Award 2016, Best Illustrator Award at the Islamic Book Fair 2018 and the Indonesia Art Award 2018. She is also the founder of the Indonesian Children’s Book Illustrators Circle (KELIR).