Living With Grief
ISBN 9789814634205
What does a child think and feel when a loved one dies? What does death mean to a child? Is a child capable of grieving? Children normally express their grief through their behaviours, emotions, thoughts and physical reactions. They may cry, feel angry, think that the cause of death was due to a naughty deed and, perhaps, regress to earlier behaviours. It is a misconception that children heal quickly from a loss.
But what can we do to heal the loss and help the child move on? What should we not say or do? When does a child’s grief become serious? Do children ever become depressed? Living with Grief gives all the information that parents, caregivers, teachers and anyone who deals with children and adolescents should know.
Revised and updated, Living with Grief is part of a series of handbooks on mental health in children written by mental health professionals from the Child Guidance Clinic.