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Sep 22, 2020, 23:26 PM
Breaking The Silence
Title : 9789814677219
ISBN : 9789814677219
Publisher :
Product Binding : PB
Imprint :
Is Print : Yes
Is Apps : No
Is Ebook : Yes
Is Audio : No
Pub Date : Jan 12, 2015, 08:00 AM
CMS Pub Date :
Page : 276
Product Width : 152
Product Height : 227
Product Price : 29.90 $
Feature Priority : 0
Voices of Moderation: Islam in a Constitutional Democracy
On 7 December 2014, a group of 25 prominent Malays (G25) issued an open call for moderate Malays and Muslims to speak out against the hate speeches targeted at non-Muslims by supremacist groups. They stressed that the extremist and intolerant voices do not speak for the general Muslim community, and they called for a review of Shariah law and civil law to be in line with the supremacy of the Federal Constitution. Will it be possible to arrest these destructive forces that are taking control of the future wellbeing of Malaysia? The G25 hopes it would, and that this book will bring greater awareness of the dangers that are tearing apart Malaysian's social fabric. In this important volume, 22 leading academics, lawyers and social activists discuss the impact of Islamic bureaucracy in Malaysia and its consistency with the provisions of the Federal Constitution. They also address the socio-political dimensions and cultural-economic implications on Malaysian society. “While the principles of equality and justice are fundamental to the Qur’an, a deeper and broader understanding of both is critical at this point in time. But more than understanding the two principles, it is ensuring that they are put into practice that is the real challenge.” – Dr Chandra Muzaffar, President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST)
G25 is a group of influential Malays, and as a civil society organisation, we are able to play a constructive role as the voice of moderation on religion. G25 comprises a group of individuals, rich with experience in various fields with diverse views but a common goal and common vision.
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  • Politics
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