Every boy goes through several rites of passage as he grows up to become a man. He learns from siblings, peers, teachers and other adults. But perhaps no one has as much influence over him as his parents. This is not surprising as they look after their son from a young age and build bonds of trust and love.
In this collection edited by award-winning author Felix Cheong, parents (both fathers and mothers) write letters to their sons about the different roles they will go through as son, brother, husband and father. Here are life lessons about etiquette, manners, school life, courtship, marriage, work, responsibilities and everything else you can think of in-between.
These mini-essays will show you, through the eyes of writers from all walks of life, the trial and trails of bringing up boys.
Contributors include: P N Balji, Nizam Ismail, Darren Soh, Clement Mesenas, Kenny Chan, Olivier Castaignède, Mark Laudi, Anitha Devi Pillai, Lester Kok, Dinesh Rai, Gilbert Koh, Roland Koh, Christopher Ng, Vicky Chong, Sanjay C Kuttan, Chris Henson, Bernard Harrison, Lee Ee Wurn and Anthony Goh.
Felix Cheong is the author of 17 books across genres, from poetry to fiction, from children’s picture books to non-fiction. His works have been widely anthologised and nominated for the prestigious Frank O’Connor Award and the Singapore Literature Prize. Conferred the Young Artist Award in 2000 by the National Arts Council, he holds a master’s in creative writing and is currently an adjunct lecturer with the National University of Singapore, Murdoch University, University of Newcastle and Curtin University.
- Parenting
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