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Sep 22, 2020, 23:26 PM
My Best with Honour
Title : 9789814721813
ISBN : 9789814721813
Publisher :
Product Binding : PB
Imprint :
Is Print : Yes
Is Apps : No
Is Ebook : Yes
Is Audio : No
Pub Date : Jan 7, 2017, 08:00 AM
CMS Pub Date :
Page : 128
Product Width : 130
Product Height : 198
Product Price : 11.20 $
Feature Priority : 0
My Best with Honour features 12 prominent personalities who were scouts while in school and whose lives have been transformed by scouting. Today, they are inspirational role models. My Best with Honour shares a message of trust and trustworthiness in relationships. It is a book for everyone, not just scouts. It is a book of inspiration on what brings goodness and success in life and how one can build character and develop self-esteem and confidence. The chosen personalities fall across different age demographics and range from Joshua Chin, a young man who is still serving National Service to Andrew Chua, a gentleman who has been involved in scouting for nearly 60 years. And as scouting is not just for males, we also feature Stephanie Seow, a female Venture Scout. This collection will inspire readers to do their best and to succeed in life and win with honour.
Dr William Wan is the General Secretary of the Singapore Kindness Movement. He has had a varied and distinguished career that includes practicing as a lawyer, being an academic and even an ordained Christian minister. He is active on the board of non-profit organisations, including the Singapore Scout Association, the National Kidney Foundation and the Public Hygiene Council. Dr Wan is a published author and contributes regularly to the local media.
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  • Biography
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