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Sep 22, 2020, 23:26 PM
Sarah's Great Adventures
Title : 9789814751865
ISBN : 9789814751865
Publisher :
Product Binding : HB
Imprint :
Is Print : Yes
Is Apps : No
Is Ebook : Yes
Is Audio : No
Pub Date : Jan 9, 2016, 08:00 AM
CMS Pub Date :
Page : 24
Product Width : 210
Product Height : 250
Product Price : 12.95 $
Feature Priority : 0
Sarah is a little girl of 3 years, born to a very large multi-cultural family. And she loves to visit them all! Some of her family lives in Australia, some live in Malaysia, some live in England and she lives in Singapore. Exploring all the amazing countries has let her experience things she would not have been able to in her hometown. But as her view of the world widens, so does her understanding of how special home is.
Madeline Beale is a writer and a stay-at-home mum to two beautiful girls: Sarah and Alaina. She taught creative writing and phonics and was also a part-time English tutor for kindergarten and lower primary students. Madeline stopped teaching after her elder daughter was born. In her spare time, she enjoys painting, cycling, a great coffee, and spending time with her family. Inspired by her daughters’ loving upbringing
from within their multicultural extended family, Madeline developed the Sarah series based on real experiences and her children’s simple understanding that no matter what type of family you have or where you come from, the most important element is unconditional love.
Categories :
  • Children
Tags :
  • Picture Book
authors :
  • Madeline Beale
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