The Adventure Begins
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Pub Date :
Jan 10, 2017, 08:00 AM
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The April Fool's Apprentice
Welcome to Avril’s Emporium, the greatest store on Earth, that just turns out to be a portal between the Human World and Spirit Realm…
When Hannah discovers Avril’s Emporium, a shop that sells an array of toys and artefacts, she discovers a secret that has been hidden for centuries. The shopkeeper, Avril, is the Spirit of April Fool’s Day and is part of an immortal race that protects human festivals. Hannah becomes his apprentice and meets the spirits who visit the shop – including the spirits of Deepavali, Cupid, The Leprechaun, Father Time and The Grim Reaper. When the Reaper discovers that Hannah is a human apprentice, he wreaks havoc on the Emporium. Can Hannah save the store with the help of the spirits of Deepavali, Valentine’s Day and Mid-Autumn?
Tiffany Lim is a writer, artist, and assistant producer and lead writer for Secrets of the Swamp (2016), a MediaCorp broadcasted telemovie. Tiffany assisted the Organising committee of the Southeast Asian Film Financing Forum (2015) and is the lead scriptwriter for Singapore Fashion Runway's finale film (2015).
Tiffany has also worked with the National Library Board (SG), international speaker and trainer Joel Bauer (USA), Mojo Studios (SG) and Business Intelligence and 8nalytics Pte Ltd (SG) on their marketing initiatives. The April Fool’s Apprentice is her first published series.
Categories :
- Fiction
Tags :
- Middle Grade Fiction
authors :
- Tiffany Lim

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