9789814974899 | 9789814974899


Princess Incognito (Book 5): Running Out Of Friends

ISBN 9789814974899

Book E-Book

Neil Humphreys

Book 5 of the hilarious, beloved school series



When a terrifying new PE teacher, Mr Biggspitt, insists he's going to prepare the students for school sports day, Sabrina and her friends are not really bothered. But a distracted Sabrina accidentally wins the running trial and Mr Biggspitt is convinced that he has a star in the making.

This is a real problem for a secret princess still trying to hide her identity. To make things worse, Mr Biggspitt picks Sabrina and Liam for the elite team, but not her other friends, Charlie and Awful Agatha. Meanwhile, Uncle Ernie reveals a family tragedy that breaks her trust. Why does everyone in her life seem to be betraying her? 

Feeling lost and confused, Sabrina turns to Mr Biggspitt for help, which leaves her with an impossible choice. She has the skills to win the school sports day, but does she want to lose her friends along the way?

Neil Humphreys

Neil Humphreys is one of Singapore’s best-selling authors with 30 titles to his name. His works on the country – from Notes from an Even Smaller Island (2001) to Saving a Sexier Island: Notes from an Old Singapore (2015) – are among the most popular titles in the last 20 years. Writing as NJ Humphreys, he is also behind the highly popularPrincess Incognito middle grade children’s’ series. His illustrated Abbie Rose and the Magic Suitcase adventures are funny eco-adventures about a smart, feisty girl on a mission to save endangered animals. He is also a prolific crime fiction writer. His titles include Match Fixer (2010), Premier Leech (2011), Marina Bay Sins (2014), Rich Kill Poor Kill (2016) and Bloody Foreigners (2021).


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