9789815009804 | 9789815009804


Princess Incognito (Book 6): Fighting For My Family

ISBN 9789815009804

Book E-Book Audio Book

Neil Humphreys

Book 6 of the highly popular middle grade school series to tempt old fans and win new ones.



Uncle Ernie protects Princess Sabrina at all times. He’s getting old and makes rude noises in the wrong places, but he’s still the best bodyguard around. Most of all, he helps Sabrina keep her royal secrets.

And then, Uncle Ernie goes missing.

Sabrina’s enemies could be behind his disappearance, leaving her with an impossible dilemma. Should she try and find her beloved uncle or run away and save herself?

Luckily, her loyal, funny friends, Charlie, Liam and Awful Agatha offer their support. Together, they embark upon a scary rescue mission after dark. The crazy gang have just one night to track down Uncle Ernie. The future of Sabrina’s royal family is at stake. She may never see her parents again. Is she prepared for the greatest fight of her life?

Neil Humphreys

Neil Humphreys is one of Singapore’s best-selling authors with 30 titles to his name. His works on the country – from Notes from an Even Smaller Island (2001) to Saving a Sexier Island: Notes from an Old Singapore (2015) – are among the most popular titles in the last 20 years. Writing as NJ Humphreys, he is also behind the highly popularPrincess Incognito middle grade children’s’ series. His illustrated Abbie Rose and the Magic Suitcase adventures are funny eco-adventures about a smart, feisty girl on a mission to save endangered animals. He is also a prolific crime fiction writer. His titles include Match Fixer (2010), Premier Leech (2011), Marina Bay Sins (2014), Rich Kill Poor Kill (2016) and Bloody Foreigners (2021).


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